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- From: glenda.stocks@pcohio.com (Glenda Stocks)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: First Contact
- Message-ID: <24.3078.2011.0NB29803@pcohio.com>
- Date: 11 Jul 93 16:28:00 GMT
- Organization: PC-OHIO PCBOARD - Cleveland, OH - 216-381-3320
- The following is an excerpt from Chapter 9, entitled "First Contact",
- from the book, "Visitors From Within", by Keith Priest and Lyssa Royal.
- ISBN 0-9631320-1-6. (c)1992. The questioners comments are indented, and
- the answers from the entity, Sasha, are right-justified.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The other ways that the contact is manifested (through win-
- dows and back doors in the consciousness) seem to be natural
- aspects of who we are. The whole spectrum seems to be natural.
- And yet it is also a spectrum that we've denied.
- Yes. It is manifesting itself according to who you are.
- So in a sense it is manifesting according to our denial, not our
- acceptance.
- Yes, it can be looked at that way. If you were of an accepting
- nature, there would be no need to create blockages nor to break
- through various portions of the hose (hose refers to an anology about
- a garden hose mentioned earlier). Other civilizations are
- different in the ways they manifest first contact. Let us explore two
- case studies with you.
- These case studies are taken from first-contact mission-team accounts
- from our race and others within the Association. The purpose of this
- is to demonstrate to you the differences in how societies evolve
- themselves toward embracing ET contact.
- We will label the first example as Alpha-3. This planetary species was
- initially begun by the seeding of Lyran-based groups and left alone to
- develop its natural species identity. It was not necessary for this
- species to know throughout its evolution that they were seeded by a
- source external to their planet. It was not necessary because there
- was no longer any interaction with the seeding race. The Alpha-3
- society was allowed a very free and natural evolutionary process un-
- tainted by any of the galactic dramas.
- They naturally progressed through time to a stage of developing
- technology. During this time they developed equal balance between
- technology and spirituality, so they were expanding at a balanced
- rate. One could say that Alpha-3 was a textbook case of planetary
- evolution. In that sense it had very little drama and was well
- orchestrated. There was a period when this civilization became able to
- achieve space travel. Prior to this time they were watched very
- closely by some members of neighboring planetary systems. Before
- they actually left their planet, they were openly contacted. Let us
- describe this further.
- Stage One
- There are generally three stages of contact that occur with a species
- such as this. The first stage is telepathic contact with inhabitants
- of the planet. This is carried out approximately 50-100 years before
- the next stage is introduced. Telepathic contact is made with
- receptive individuals within the society. The telepathic contact is
- not saying, "We are here." It is instead a filtering of ideas about
- extraterrestrial beings that seemingly enter the imagination of the
- recipient and the normal flow of their life. This is reflected in
- society as, for instance, fictional works such as books that
- introduce the society to this idea.
- Would this also include archetypal contact through symbol-
- ogy?
- Yes. It is on the unseen levels of the humanoid mind.
- Stage Two
- Stage two is contact of a physical nature with the inhabitants when
- the physical crafts of other civilizations are seen in the skies. This
- is not presented in a threatening way. It is usually presented where
- there are large gatherings of people so that it becomes very quickly
- known.
- Often there will also be experiences with these physical crafts. For
- example, let us say there is a forest fire that is very difficult to
- contain. The ET crafts come by and assist the firefighters to put out
- the fire; then they disappear. This is a demonstration of benevolence
- and is continued for a span of perhaps 25 years. Then stage three is
- initiated.
- Stage Three
- Stage three takes advantage of the progress made in stage two. After
- one of these instances when the craft had actually assisted with a
- disaster, the craft would land and come face to face with some of the
- inhabitants of the planet. That is first contact.
- Those are the three main stages. The species from Alpha-3 encountered
- contact in such a fashion with no resistance or fear. It was simply a
- natural expression of evolution on a planetary scale.
- We've had all three stages simultaneoulsly going on throughout
- our history, yes?
- Yes, but stage two was not implemented on your planet in the same way
- because of your psychological make-up.
- Stage one is still one of the most important phases going on.
- Did these people have drearns? What did they experience in their
- internal world?
- Their dreams did not display alien creatures. Instead, their dreams
- had emotional content that went beyond what they were used to. They
- were filled with symbology. For instance, a dream may have an
- individual flying through the stars. Perhaps they come face to face
- with someone while they are flying. (These are very simple examples.)
- The person they contact in the dream will look like their own species.
- There is no sense of alienness. The alienness that you feel on your
- world is a reflection of the alienness you feel between each other.
- The inhabitants of Alpha-3 did not start out feeling there is anything
- "alien" going on.
- So they were not a people who experienced alienation amongst
- themselves?
- Correct
- Did they experience astral travel to other planets or realms?
- Yes, but it was all within the context of their own reality structure,
- so it never seemed alien.
- Did they experience astral travel from ETs into their dream
- worlds?
- Technically yes, but they had no way of knowing they were aliens.
- During stage one, did the manifestation of astral contact take
- on a different theme?
- Yes. The flavor of the astral contact in stage one began to
- demonstrate clearly and directly the idea of life and consciousness
- external to their world structure -- not alien, but external.
- So the boundaries of their world simply expanded?
- Exactly.
- Did their stage-one experiences synchronize smoothly with the
- visual sightings of craft in stage two?
- Yes. Within stage one the species first began with more abstract ideas
- of contact, which then filtered down into the physical realiy. For
- instance, in your society it would be translated as having books and
- movies that dealt in a positive, expanding way with the subject
- matter. During 50 to 100 years of this, the species then adopted a
- belief system that this was natural. Therefore, the first actual
- physical sightings in stage two were not a source of shock but a
- natural progression. They were also a source of great excitement.
- So when they saw them, it was more a reaction of familiarity.
- Exactly.
- Did Alpha-3 have members of their own society who func-
- tioned as sociologists or philosophers who interpreted this
- phenomenon ?
- They had members of their society --sociophilosophers, if you wish to
- call them that--who talked about the expanding boundaries of their
- society, but did not talk about these ships as meaning something
- symbolically. That would have meant the ships were outside of their
- reality. The ships were not alien. It was not like looking at
- something that seemingly doesn't belong and trying to figure it out,
- like your society does. The process was so natural and gradual that
- there was no reason to philosophize about it.
- So the reason we try to interpret it is because we deny it.
- Exactly. You see it as something unnatural. You see it as an aspect of
- your reality that is alien. It is the same reason why you attempt to
- interpret your dreams. You see your dreams as being alien to who you
- are.
- So maybe an integral idea of helping us to explore this is to ex-
- amine the idea of interpretation. We seem to be interpreting
- everything we come across. Are you saying that these people did
- not interpret their experience?
- Correct. They did not question it, because it did not exist outside of
- them.
- In stage two, when they saw these ships in the sky, did they
- know there were people inside who were from another planet?
- Yes. Absolutely no question. It was accepted.
- Were they curious about it? Did they want to meet them?
- They were curious and excited. There were times of celebration when
- these ships would appear--not because they saw these ships as superior
- to them, but simply because they had been conditioned to accept the
- positivity of this experience. It was simply a source of great
- excitement. There was no resistance whatsoever. There was no fear, and
- no arguments between individuals in their society.
- Was there verbal contact in stage three before physical con-
- tact occurred?
- No.
- So stage two, which was purely visual, went right into stage
- three by the very act of a ship landing around the people and the
- occupants walking out and physically meeting the people on the
- planet?
- Yes. Remember that stages one, two and three are superimposed over
- each other. During stage two, stage one is still occurring. They are
- not replaced by each other. So when stage two begins, the imaginative
- processes, the fiction, is still occurring. In this process they've
- already imagined the contents of the ships and the nature of the
- entities. Thus when the ships land in stage three, there is no
- surprise or fear. There is only acceptance and excitement.
- It is kind of like being a Native American civilization and knowing
- that just over the ridge there is another community because you can
- see their smoke signals. You know they are there. Sometimes you send
- smoke signals back and forth to each other. But the day you meet is a
- celebration. Anything further on Alpha-3?
- It seems pretty cut and dried. It is nothing like what occurs
- here!
- Some of these stages occur here, but because of the level of
- resistance that your planet has, these stages have had to be al-
- tered. The resistance your planet is experiencing comes from your
- thousands of years of intermittent extraterrestrial contact as a
- primitive species.
- BETA-4
- Now then, we will share with you information about a culture that we
- will call Beta-4. Beta-4 is a civilization whose genetic connections
- are Vegan in nature. Their resistance to ET contact was very, very
- strong. They have a lot of fear. Let us give you their background.
- Beta-4 began as a penal colony. There were no prison structures
- built; instead they were simply abandoned there. They were not left
- with a lot of equipment or knowledge. After a period of time they
- degenerated somewhat. Their population grew very rapidly and segmented
- itself. They later came together and began forming a planetary
- identity.
- When they came together, they retained no knowledge of their origins
- except through mythology. However, there was an underlying emotional
- memory that was a reaction to the abandonment they had experienced as
- the early penal colony. This created in them an unconscious desire to
- have nothing to do with those who abandoned them.
- After thousands of years of evolution, they developed a society that
- utilized technology. When they were approaching planetary
- consciousness, they then began to question the idea of whether to
- build devices to take themselves off the planet. The species pain was
- still there concerning their abandonment, so the drive to go back
- out into space was not strong. They had an intense curiosity to see
- what was out there, but at the same time the pain they felt thinking
- about it kept them from building any machines to take them off the
- planet.
- Using the garden-hose analogy, because they were unwilling to look
- at this pain, they formed a blockage. This blockage stopped the
- natural flow of species evolution. The inhabitants of Beta-4 were
- ready at this point to be indoctrinated into the galactic community.
- The extraterrestrials who began coming to their planet knew it would
- be challenging to assimilate that planet to the greater reality. They
- knew there would be resistance.
- The extraterrestrials began simply by flying ships into areas where
- there were many people. The ships were never seen. Their focus in
- perception was so tight that the Betans literally could not perceive
- the reality of these ships.
- This was a period when there was still alot of conflict going on
- between the Lyran and Vegan empires. The extraterrestrials who were
- attempting communication with Beta-4 were aware that there was a
- possible threat coming because of these conflicts. It was imperative
- that contact be made. However, they tried many different ways to make
- contact but were unsuccessful. They tried landing; they tried
- approaching people. What ensued between the extraterrestrials and
- the Betans could be compared to a comedy on your world. It was as if
- they could not speak the same language. Any conversations made
- between these ETs and the Betans created total, absolute confusion.
- >From the point of view of the Betans, they were being talked to by a
- member of their own race. This member somehow was not able to
- communicate clearly. The Betan would simply walk away in confusion.
- The Betans would not see these ETs as being anything other than
- members of their own race. It was total limited vision. These
- encounters would shake the Betans very deeply internally, but because
- it was so abstract they would not discuss it amongst themselves. This
- phenomenon became something that could not enter the parameters of
- their reality.
- Upon further consideration by the visiting extraterrestrials, it was
- understood that external attempts were fruitless. The next stage was
- to make internal attempts at communication. Originally the ETs had
- skipped the internal stages because the they thought the external
- stages would be more effective. However, they realized that they
- needed to utilize more internal methods of communication. This is
- where it becomes very surreal.
- They began by entering the dream state of the Betans. Night after
- night every Betan was bombarded with dream imagery and communication
- from this ET intelligence. The Betans deliberately resisted this
- information, and a strain on their psyches was created. It got to the
- point where the pressure was so great that -- using the garden-hose
- analogy -- there had to be a bursting point.
- The bursting point manifested itself as what you call "poltergeist
- activity." Strange things began happening in the reality of just about
- every individual on the planet. First it began with the individuals
- who were more spiritual in nature because they were the more
- receptive. Then it happened to every member of society. Translating
- this into your reality, this poltergeist phenomenon would take the
- form of strange images on the television, confusing messages printed
- on computer screens, and bizarre recordings on magnetic tape. These
- manifestations were created by the Betans' own minds as they attempted
- to hold back the communication. The phenomenon was not created by the
- extraterrestrials themselves. The psychic energy the Betans were
- withholding was actually being channeled into other media through
- which the communication could occur.
- It got to the point where the stress became too much. When this
- occurred, the entire framework of their reality paradigm crumbled. It
- would be as if they were walking outside and everything was normal,
- and suddenly they felt a disorientation and then experienced a
- blackout or fainting spell; when they woke up, their reality paradigm
- was different. Suddenly they were able to see the ships. They were
- able to communicate between each other about what was going on. The
- ships remained in the distance for some time until individuals on
- Beta-4 were able to talk amongst themselves about the reality of this
- extraterrestrial presence. Then the ETs began to come closer.
- Did the Betans think they were going mad?
- Yes. Each individual, not wanting to talk about it, felt an extreme
- amount of stress which got worse and worse.
- Now you have two examples of contact scenarios within your galactic
- family. One may ask then, "How do we on Earth fit into this?" Again,
- you are not as clear-cut. The examples we gave were of two
- civilizations who were of opposite polarity. Using the Alpha-3 contact
- program as an example, you are receiving stage one and stage three.
- Stage two has deliberately been altered for you because of your past
- dependence on extraterrestrial assistance.
- Comparing you to the Beta-4 contacts, you experience a great amount of
- fear on archetypal levels that results in your shutting down to the
- reality of many things. Those of you experiencing the most fear on
- your planet are literally not seeing these physical ships when they
- are present.
- The Zeta Reticuli are using stage one of the Alpha-3 program and to
- some degree, stage three. They are not so much interested in stage
- two. The Pleiadian civilizations in the past have been the ones to
- interact with you in the stage-two scenario.
- The Zeta Reticuli are not really interested in stage one. They
- want to go right to stage three, but they must go through stage
- one.
- Yes. Because their reality is so alien to yours, the only way at this
- point that you can synthesize their energy is by starting at stage one
- on the archetypal level.
- As we expenence the visitor phenomenon, sometimes it must
- come to us and we must interact with it within the parameters
- of our archetypal realities, our elemental realities, and within the
- deep parts of our minds that we've pushed down and denied. We
- must go to that stage to meet them. We experience many things
- that we don't know how to incorporate into our daily lives. Do
- the visitors also experience to some degree what we are ex-
- periencing? Is communicating with us a new expenence for
- them? Do they come into our reality thinking they are going
- to take some samples and then all of a sudden they experience
- archetypes, elementals, and denied realities?
- You are affecting the Zeta Reticuli in the same way they are affecting
- you. You have heard it stated that both of you are facing your
- innermost primal fears as you deal with each other. This is the case.
- The way it manifests for the Zeta Reticuli is that at times their
- group mind will have the sensation or the illusion of experiencing
- individuality. It is kind of like a fantasy or a species dream about
- individuality. It is extremely shocking to their mass mind.
- Would it be like a hallucination?
- It is like a spontaneous thought that is quite intense.
- So it is not simply the contactees experiencing archetypal fears.
- The visitors also experience their archetypal aspects when they
- contact us.
- Yes. And we would say at this point that you are more successfully
- facing these archetypal fears than they are. Let us give you an
- example. The Zeta Reticuli have an ability to shift their focus from
- one body to another. Let us say you have a Zeta standing by a doorway
- and one leaning over an abductee. The one near the abductee can at
- will move his focus into the one who is standing at the door. During
- an abduction situation, the Zeta Reticuli have had the experience of
- spontaneously switching their focus from being the abductor to being
- the human abductee! It is instantaneous and it lasts only for a
- moment. But they get a taste of the type of fear that they've denied
- for quite some time.
- If the focus becomes too uncomfortable for the Zeta during
- an abduction experience, they can switch the focus away from
- the one leaning over the abductee in order to avoid the ex-
- perience?
- Yes, exactly. The Zeta Reticuli are very good at avoidance. Yet they
- do not see it as avoidance in any way. They see it as adaptation.
- Is the Zeta mass mind experiencing, in a sense, intrusion of its
- reality by us?
- Yes. In previous chapters it was stated that you are visitors from
- within them. This is what we are referring to. These spontaneous and
- seemingly uncontrolled experiences they have regarding you are equal
- in intensity to the experiences that you have with them. It is
- shocking. It is frightening. And at this point it is not yet
- understood by them.
- The Zeta Reticuli have rationalized that the shocks they experience
- when interacting with you are a product of you and the nature of your
- reality. They do not yet see any connection with themselves at this
- point concerning their own transformation.
- One of the purposes of their being here is to experience these
- shocks and be transformed.
- Exactly. Just as you are discovering the purpose of their in-
- teraction with you, they are in the process of discovering the
- ultimate purpose for your interaction with them.
- Are they capable of speaking about this ?
- They are not aware of this at this time.
- So it would do no good to ask them about their unexpected
- visions?
- Correct. We would not suggest it at this time. It is premature. All
- that we have said so far is enough to assist individuals who are
- having contact to take the next natural step.
- Is the visitor phenomenon occurring in areas that we don't
- suspect?
- The contact phenomenon is coming to your world from many, many angles.
- Though there is denial, there is also integration. You are literally
- seeing it in nearly every phase of your development.
- What is the reason for our denial?
- One reason is the remembrance of the pain that extraterrestrial
- contact has caused you in your past--the fears of abandonment, the
- desire for salvation, the dysfunctional family systems that you were a
- part of with your forefathers. It is a desire to resist that
- experience in order to keep the pain away.
- For this reason we have given an example of two different
- civilizations and the processes they went throough in getting
- themselves ready for contact. Your civilization is a combination of
- the two, though you will also incorporate more individualistic
- qualities toward your acceptance of contact because of your
- sociological development.
- We have also talked about how you as a terrestrial civilization are
- making first contact yourselves with another civilization--the Zeta
- Reticuli. It doesn't matter that they have come to you. You are
- opening contact with them by being who you are. You are initiating an
- intergalactic relationship by your agreement to interact with them.
- This agreement will continue. However, it will grow and change as you
- grow and change. Your evolution is intricately entwined.